Earlier in the year I was commissioned to do wedding bands for the June Wedding of Mark and Julie. The rings were to be simple with a private image inside. For this we created silver rings bound with a gold band on the outside. Having made overly thick unwearable rings for my own wedding, we paired down the thickness and detail to a simple timeless look. Inside the rings a DNA pattern was engraved, symbolic of binding like a rope and the structure of family. For the bridesmaids, we created and Artemis necklace. Silver chain connecting to two ends of a bow and arrow. At the tip of the arrow a diamond was set and connected the pendant to the opposing side's chain. Artemis is a Greek Goddess and protector of women, like the Greek and badass bride. She is represented by bow and arrow as well as the constellations: Big bear and little bear AKA, big dipper and little dipper. The little dipper is composed of 6 stars, like the bridal party, and the top star is Polaris, or the North Star. The stars represent the binding friendship between the bride and her bridesmaids, as the North Star interpreted by the diamond represents the moral compass of friendship. Below are some sketches, works in progress, a scene from the big day and perhaps the best wedding shot of all time, apparently the weather blessed them with rainfall on their wedding day, so since they were wet, they went all the way.