Taking things a step farther, after skimming the surface of the Achafalaya Swamp Basin, it was time to see the Peconic River up close instead of peering from the window of the L.I.R.R. Peconic Paddler is a gas station turned Adventure Sales and Rental Shop in Riverhead Long Island at the mouth of the Peconic Bay that separates Long Island's North and South Fork. It is a business run by Jim Breeman an energetic man who wants to sell the business so he can take people on long distance Kayak trips.
Paddling through the narrow and winding creeks was straight out of the Wind in the Willows. It was the beginning of many more river trips to come. The trip is a dirty one, but someone found the courage to archive it here http://picasaweb.google.com/randyhagerman/PeconicRiverTrip#5387296188354675890