A special Thank you to Tugboat Captain William E Clifford-for buying his Valentine the Stormy Sea ship bracelet-A narrative for the wrist...and for the swell hat- I am looking forward to that Tugboat Ride in the Spring....
When I was a teenager and really starting to notice guys-I only noticed the ones at the beach, with long hair kissed by the sun, tangled like seaweed from the salt of the sea and shoulders sculpted from days spent paddling into the ocean on a surfboard. The outfit of choice was Birdwell's Beach Britches While these days Mind tops Muscle in lists of charming qualities, I prefer a surly writer or geeky ham radio enthusiast to beach bum any day, I still try to convince said Men of Pen to wear the retro beach get ups.
If you have never heard of Birdwells, check them out-they are the Dr Bronners of swim attire- They are a company with a simple and timeless product, a credo of how they work and lots of unsolicited dogma on their website, letting the world know exactly who they are dealing with. Like Dr Bronner---its a new thought movement and great product rolled in one.